Monday, November 17, 2014


The last time i post a blog was september last year, and now its already november 2014! Wow! time fly sooo fast.

Why am i here? again. To ranting. Oh lol. no.
Last year i became 20. The thing i always believe is, when we turn 20 we will be a complete new person. And it is a freaking right theory. Here i am, with my new personality that i dont even like. Its not like im faking myself, but this is what people do to me, they force me to change.

Hurt. Im sounds so dramatic. But then again life is a piece of cake of drama with a lemon taste!
Haha... I dont know anymore what to say, but i kinda miss this blog, so here i am.
I will try to be more active... no... okay... at least i will try...

Im going to graduate next year. i promise. to myself. I HOPE! T_T i dont want to upset ppl more...
Ill figure out later what i want to write

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mind leave a piece of ur heart?