I feel like stopping myself to believe... I just dont know why but its fucking make sense in my mind..
Like "doesnt believe in 2600 Gods than doesnt believe 2599 Gods and only believe in one does it making any different?"
And my mind was fucking tell me no its not making any... Dear my bitchy mind. Please stop working the way you do, now...
I try to believe in God it just the rule doesnt feel right with my logic..
GOD YOU KNOW I BELIEVE, U KNOW I STILL LOVE YOU. It just i found branch street and no one could tell me which one i should choose.
No offense though with the atheist outside im giving all my respect to you all...
This thing that clearly make me upset, atheist, gay, lesbian, transgender, agnostic, people are considered they are making sin and fucking rotten in this society. U SHORT MINDED.
They are born with it just the way we born as straight...
I tell you, they having it labeled themselves doesnt making any different with us, they follow another norm in society, they are all kind people, dont kill, steal, cursing. Nah they dont, although they are, back looking to ourself do we are all look so fucking perfect that we never done any mistake ?
Hell yeah NO!
It just please.. Believe in your God, we dont even know its the bible is the truth...
Just respect people.
And in this fasting month im really am trying to bring myself to return to the right path, the path that all people choose as the right path... T^T
God just please guide me to your side, i missing your warm, and the safe feeling when im in your hold..